We give because God wants us to be generous with the resources He has given to us. Not only does God want us to be generous, but cheerful while we give. Being faithful with our finances proclaims to our community that we trust God and His provision instead of our perceived self-sufficiency.
Give Through
If you wish to give to St John’s, you could use any payment method below.

Bank Transfer or Standing Order
Bank | Barclays
Name | PCC of St John with St James and St Paul
Sort Code | 20 06 72
Account Number | 40687553

Gift Station
If it is not possible to set up a standing order or make a bank transfer, you could place your giving into the Offering Box during any of our Worship services. Giving could be cash, cheque or envelopes. Please make your cheques payable to PCC of St John's.
More Information
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer and would like us to reclaim an extra 25% of your gift from HMRC, please complete a Gift Aid Form located at the back of the church.
Our Finance Team
If you have any questions regarding giving to St John’s or about our finances,
please contact our Finance Team:
Sharon Davy
Treasurer/ PCC Member